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2024年第16期《求是》杂志导读Qiushi Journal Issue Preview: No. 16, 2024秋文Qiu Wen  2024年第16期《求是》杂志发表了习近平总书记《关于〈中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定〉的说明》。

  The Explanation of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization (hereinafter “Explanation”) by General Secretary Xi Jinping was published in this year’s 16th issue of

Qiushi Journal.  总书记指出,围绕党的中心任务谋划和部署改革,是党领导改革开放的成功经验从实践经验和现实需要出发,中央政治局决定党的二十届三中全会研究进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化问题,主要有以下几方面考虑。

  According to the Explanation, making reform plans and arrangements with a focus on our central task has constituted a successful experience for our Party in leading reform and opening up. In light of both practical experience and actual needs, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee would study the issue of further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. There is a pressing need for this, given the following considerations:

  第一,这是凝聚人心、汇聚力量,实现新时代新征程党的中心任务的迫切需要  First, we need to rally support and pool strength to complete the Party’s central task on the new journey in the new era.。

  第二,这是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的迫切需要  Second, we need to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China’s system and capacity for governance.。

  第三,这是推动高质量发展、更好适应我国社会主要矛盾变化的迫切需要  Third, we need to promote high-quality development and better respond to the evolution of the principal contradiction in Chinese society.。

  第四,这是应对重大风险挑战、推动党和国家事业行稳致远的迫切需要  Fourth, we need to deal with major risks and challenges and secure steady and sustained progress in the cause of the Party and the country.。

  总书记指出,决定稿锚定2035年基本实现社会主义现代化目标,重点部署未来五年的重大改革举措,在内容摆布上有以下几个特点  Xi pointed out in the Explanation that with a view to achieving the goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035, the draft resolution includes major reform measures for the coming five years. In terms of its layout and content, it features the following highlights.。

  第一,注重发挥经济体制改革牵引作用第二,注重构建支持全面创新体制机制第三,注重全面改革第四,注重统筹发展和安全第五,注重加强党对改革的领导  (1) Giving play to the leading role of economic structural reform。

  (2) Developing support institutions and mechanisms for all-around innovation  (3) Advancing reform in a comprehensive manner

  (4) Balancing development and security imperatives  (5) Strengthening the Party’s leadership over reform

  本刊配发了学习习近平总书记重要文章的编辑部文章  Readers will also find in this issue an editorial piece inspired by Xi’s vision.。

  全国人大常委会副委员长、中华全国总工会主席王东明的文章,对工会更好团结动员广大职工为进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化而奋斗作出阐释  An article by Wang Dongming, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress and President of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, discusses how trade unions can better rally and mobilize workers in furthering China’s comprehensive reform and advancing Chinese modernization.。

  中央全面深化改革委员会办公室的文章,对落实党中央关于进一步全面深化改革的决策部署、为中国式现代化提供强大动力和制度保障作出阐释  The Office of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform explains how to implement the CPC Central Committee’s decisions and plans for further deepening reform comprehensively and provide strong impetus and institutional guarantees for Chinese modernization.。

  王文涛的文章,对完善高水平对外开放体制机制作出阐释  An article by Wang Wentao focuses on improving the mechanisms and systems for high-level opening up.。

  沈春耀的文章,对深化立法领域改革作出阐释  Shen Chunyao’s article addresses reforms in the legislative field.  国家知识产权局党组书记、局长申长雨的文章,对进一步深化知识产权领域改革作出阐释。

  An article by Shen Changyu, Director and Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the China National Intellectual Property Administration, discusses further reforms in the intellectual property sector.

  中共中央党史和文献研究院的文章,纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年  An article from the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee commemorates the 120th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth.。

  本刊评论员文章,学习阐释习近平总书记对加强文化和自然遗产保护传承利用工作作出的重要指示精神  Qiushi commentary in this issue talks about how to gain a better understanding of General Secretary Xi’s instructions on protecting, preserving and utilizing cultural and natural heritages.。

  国家文物局的文章,介绍北京中轴线的历史演变、申遗保护和管理情况  The National Cultural Heritage Administration provides an overview of Beijing’s Central Axis, detailing its historical development, the process of its application for being included in the list of world cultural heritage sites, as well as its current protection and management practices.。

  新华社记者的文章,讲述新时代我国推动西部大开发这项世纪工程的生动实践和巨大成就  Reporters with Xinhua News Agency recount the dynamic practices and significant accomplishments of our country in its efforts to promote the development of the western region, a project of the century, in the new era.。

  “锚定现代化 改革再深化”系列报道,继续讲述各地各部门全面深化改革的生动实践和精彩故事  A series of reports by journalists in the column “Prioritizing Modernization, Deepening Reform” continue to provide vivid practices and stories of comprehensively deepening reform across various regions and departments.。

  国家统计局发布了经济社会发展统计图表:党的十八大以来农村居民生活质量显著提高  This issue closes with a diagram released by the National Bureau of Statistics which shows a significant improvement in the quality of life for rural residents since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.。

  翻译:衣小伟  中文责编:郝遥 尚烨  英文责编:衣小伟  英文审校:张娴 李晓琼  监制:于波 李振通
